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Watch A Sand-Cast Slingshot Made, From Start To Finish

[kingkongslie] has been collecting parts for a dune buggy build, apparently using the classic VW Beetle platform as a starting point. The air-cooled engine of a Bug likes to breathe, so [kingkongslie] decided to sand-cast a custom crankcase breather from aluminum.

Using a coping saw blade removed from its saw body, cut the general outline of the slingshot from the foam block. I learned that when doing this, try to cut bigger than the outline so there will be more room for error and filing. After you have the rough shape cut out, take a woodworking file and file it exactly how you want the finished slingshot to look (pics 2 & 3). Make sure that this is precisely the shape you want in the end, because it is much easier to file Styrofoam than it is to file aluminum.

Watch A Sand-Cast Slingshot Made, From Start To Finish

Baljeet is shown staring intently a foot away from Perry and Buford walks up to him asking what he is doing. Baljeet informs Buford that he is watching Perry and that he promised to not take his eyes off of him all day, which Buford then finds boring and considers "motivating" Perry with a bat but Baljeet quickly stops him. Perry's communicator watch starts beeping and Buford and Baljeet look around to see what is making the noise causing Perry to swallow his watch to try to hide it, but it can still be heard from within Perry's stomach. Buford and Baljeet stare at Perry. 2ff7e9595c

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